What to Expect

Working With Us

The primary purpose of the initial meeting is to determine fit. We want to be the right solution for your needs, and we want to make sure that you are the right client for our practice. Following our meeting we will have the opportunity to determine what our next steps should be. In our experience this is the best approach in establishing mutually beneficial relationships.

Our Strategy

We are not emotional in our process, we focus on logic. We expend our best of thinking and research when considering the vast range of financial risk management. We continually monitor both our asset managers and the ever-changing investment world. We keep an eye out for pertinent changes that may affect longevity and performance. That due diligence is critical to our success. Our firm leverages fifty plus years of intellectual capital and research to carefully assess our strategies.

Our Philosophy & Advantages

Your Best Interests, First

We partner with world-class asset managers to construct portfolios to address the critical and desirable needs of our clients. Our clients deserve a fiduciary standard of care, and we provide them with that by adhering to the AIF Code of Ethics.

The Fiduciary Relationship

Fiduciaries are held to the “fiduciary standard” by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This means the fiduciary — in this case, our RIA — is, by law, required to act in your best interest. Put simply, your financial goals are our priority. Believe it or not, not all advisors operate by this standard.


Objective fiduciaries are compensated by one source only, their clients. Therefore, as fiduciaries, our firm will always sit on the same side of the table as our client. In short, we are not compensated from, nor incentivized to sell any investment companies strategy or product. Our only incentive is your success.

Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we study strategies and processes that win. This Logic gives life to all that we say or do.

Get in Touch

Who We Are

Joshua E. Stroud C(k)P®, CPFA

Investment Advisor Representative

Joshua has been serving clients in the financial services industry since 2000. As a CPFA and AIF®, he is obligated to maintain a fiduciary standard of care, which mandates that he puts his clients interest above his own. This standard is only required of fiduciaries.

Rusty Vanneman

Chief Investment Officer at Orion Portfolio Solutions

Since September 2012, Rusty is responsible for leading Orion’s portfolio Management Team and overseeing all investment operations. Previously, he served as Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager at Kobren Insight Management (KIM) in the greater Boston area. His 11-year tenure at KIM included a 5-year span during which the firm was owned by E*TRADE Financial and he served as the Senior Market Strategist for E*TRADE Capital. Prior to working at KIM, he was a Senior Analyst at Fidelity Management and Research (FMR Co) in Boston. He was also a Managing Analyst at Thomson Financial.

Tamara K. Reeves

Chief Operating Officer

Tamara is concerned with the task of overseeing the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of our practice.

Walt Gynn

Annuity Planning Specialist

Having a MBA in Marketing and Economics combined with 30 years experience applying strategy and risk management to multi billion dollar portfolio’s; Walt introduces the most compelling financial solutions to help ensure the safest and best client outcomes.